Major Upgrade of the Hosted Indefero Version

In the past 24h, I have been testing the latest developer version of Indefero on …

In the past 24h, I have been testing the latest developer version of Indefero on and I must say, I am pretty pleased by the stability of everything. Congratulations to all the developers involved in getting this done. The only problem is that it requires some heavy migrations and update of the database storage and I must say, I do not like that.

So, some read only tests will be done tonight to check how this can be done without disturbing you too much and if things are going well, the upgrade will be performed. The upgrade can take a very long time. Yes, upgrading 3000 databases is a bit painful.

Anyway, if you take at the new version on, I suppose you will accept this small annoyance as it will bring you a lot of goodies.

Fluid Phase Equilibria, Chemical Properties & Databases
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