More data was what we promised, this is what you get!
- On the data side, we were able to add more mixtures, we now have 16067 mixtures in the database. We also improved our data pipeline (the system parsing raw data from publications, performing validation and reconciliation) and this unlocked a large number of pure and mixture datasets.
- Vapor pressure correlations are now available in the Excel and PDF exports.
- You can bookmarks compounds and mixtures to create a personal worklist. This way, you can easily go back to compounds and mixtures of interest. You can see the attached screenshot of the worklist once a user added a couple mixtures and compounds.
- We added a small "ads" for Céondo on the left navigation bar. We think it is not intrusive. If you have better ideas on how to do it, your ideas are welcome.
If you have any questions and remarks, they are welcome! If you like Cheméo, do not hesitate to recommend it to your colleagues, students, etc.
We really want to make a website helping and respecting you, if at any point something is annoying you, please let us know!